SADSTIA’s new executive committee is more inclusive than ever

SADSTIA’s new executive committee is more inclusive than ever

The newly elected Executive Committee of the South African Deep-Sea Trawling Industry Association (SADSTIA), is more inclusive than ever before, signifying new energy for steering the trajectory of South Africa’s most important fishery.

SADSTIA’s members generate approximately 50 percent of the value of South Africa’s fishery production. They catch, process and export a range of value-added hake products and also supply a competitive local market with fresh and frozen hake.

Leading the SADSTIA Executive Committee is Chairman Innocent Dwayi, Stakeholder and Employee Relations Manager at Irvin & Johnson. Dwayi also serves as Vice-chairman of the umbrella fishing industry association, FishSA.

“It is an honour to play a role in the management of the deep-sea trawl fishery for hake,” said Dwayi. “The fishery is South Africa’s most valuable, generating sales of R4.3 billion per year and making a total annual socio-economic contribution of R8.5 billion.”

According to Dwayi, the fishery directly and indirectly employs approximately 12 500 South Africans. Fishing rights are held by 29 companies which range from large, vertically integrated companies to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs) with diversified operations. Together these companies are 67% black-owned. The members of the SADSTIA Executive Committee represent all categories of rights holders – from SMMEs to large companies.

Working with Dwayi on the Executive Committee is Vice-chairman Madoda Khumalo, Strategic Services Director of Sea Harvest and for many years head of SADSTIA’s important Scientific Committee. The Committee works closely with government and non-governmental scientists to assess and monitor the status of the two hake stocks that are caught in South Africa.

Other members of the committee are:

  • Johann Augustyn, Secretary of SADSTIA, responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Association.
  • Fisokuhle Mbatha, SADSTIA Research Assistant, currently working towards her doctoral degree, studying the impact of environmental factors on the abundance and distribution of deep-water hake, Merluccius paraxodus.
  • Kobus Maritz, Managing Director of SeaVuna Fishing Company, now assisting SADSTIA in the position of Treasurer.
  • Robert Landman, Business Insights Manager at I&J and Chair of SADSTIA’s Scientific Committee.
  • Natasha Diest, Financial Director of Impala Fishing.
  • Jayesh Jaga, Executive Director responsible for hake operations within Blue Continent Products.
  • Jonty Jankovich-Besan, Managing Director of I&J.
  • Don Lucas, Chief Executive of Combined Fishing.
  • Phoebius Mullins, Chief Operating Officer of the Basani Group.
  • Felix Ratheb, Group Chief Executive Officer, Sea Harvest.
  • Tim Reddell, Managing Director of Sea Harvest’s Viking Fishing Division.

SADSTIA was founded in 1974, originally with three members. It has played a central role in the growth and development of the South African fishing industry. The Association will celebrate its 50-year anniversary in 2024.

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