
January 2020

Diversification and expansion on the cards as Nalitha Fishing thrives in Hout Bay

Bonga Mavume’s entry to the fishing industry was via a corporate job with the Oceana Group, but the landmark Sea Harvest/Viking Fishing transaction in 2018 gave him the opportunity he needed to start and grow his own company. Today, only eighteen months after its genesis, Mavume’s Nalitha Fishing is diversifying and thriving in Hout Bay. …

Diversification and expansion on the cards as Nalitha Fishing thrives in Hout Bay Read More »

Collaboration is the key to the future management of deep-water hake stocks

A panel of five international fisheries experts has encouraged South Africa to work more closely with its neighbour, Namibia, in the management of hake stocks. The experts, who spent a week in early December analysing the state of South Africa’s major renewable marine resources, scrutinized the latest genetic studies of hake to better understand the …

Collaboration is the key to the future management of deep-water hake stocks Read More »

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